The Hs in 4-H stands for head, heart, hands and health. It was originally designed as a four-square education, where youth development centered around life lessons, community involvement and giving. That same mission stands with today’s 4-H clubs that allow youth to explore projects they are passionate about while learning life lessons and giving back. Lucy Teuteberg is a Grays Harbor 4-H member who takes these four Hs to heart.

“I have been involved in 4-H for the past 10 years,” shares Lucy, who is entering the 11th grade this fall. She is a member of the Steamboat Island 4-H Club. Her mother, Jaime Teuteberg, started her daughter in 4-H and Lucy has never looked back.

“I wanted Lucy to join 4-H to meet new friends and explore new opportunities outside of school,” Jaime explains. Lucy has certainly had those! This year her fair projects include sewing, baking and cooking projects, things that are no longer taught in schools. In addition, Lucy took on more responsibility by being the baking leader for her club. “It was lots of fun,” Lucy shares.

4-H Tech Changemakers Program

In addition to her projects, which include a quilt, Lucy is also part of the Grays Harbor 4-H Tech Changemakers program. “The Tech Changemakers program puts youth in the teaching position to teach adults how to safely and effectively use technology,” explains Lucy. Youth in the program help adults learn how to access and adopt new technology, including understanding how to work-from-home via remote work opportunities.

Lucy in a large audtior, giving a woman a high-five, a banner behind them says '4H Tech changemakers'
Lucy Teuteberge, Grays Harbor 4-H members, just finished giving a presentation on Tech Changemakers and was being congratulated for her work. Photo credit: Jaime Teuteberg

The program helps fix the digital divide for adults that lack these skills needed to be successful in today’s work environment as well as in their personal lives. The program also helps with those that do not have reliable internet by finding them tools and opportunities. They also cover internet safety, including things like avoiding phishing and scams; how to safely use the internet; and how to tell reliable websites from those that may not be safe.

Throughout her decade in 4-H, Jaime has seen many positive results in her daughter.  “Positive changes throughout her years in 4-H include gained confidence among her peers and adults, willingness to help and serve our community, and growth in leadership skills,” she shares.

Lucy sitting at a table with a sewing machine, working on quilt blocks
Lucy Teuteberg working on sewing blocks for a quilt with her Grays Harbor 4-H group. Photo credit: Jaime Teuteberg

Meet Lucy at the Grays Harbor County Fair

Before heading to fair, Lucy will be a counselor at the annual 4-H camp. “I am very excited for camp!” she shares. “I am mostly looking forward to meeting new kids!”

Then she will head to fair to show off the projects she has been working on all year. “I am most looking forward to receiving feedback on my sewing and baking projects!” Lucy answers when asked what she is excited about for this year’s fair. There are some challenges, of course, too. “I am at fair every day and the long days are the hardest part for me,” she adds.

Look for Lucy’s projects in the 4-H exhibits and be sure to ask her questions if you see her, 4-Hers love to share their information! For more information on 4-H head to the WSU Extension website. Learn more about the 2023 County Fair on the Grays Harbor County Fairgrounds website.