Orthopedic Surgery Success at Grays Harbor Community Hospital


grays harbor community hospital
Dr. Erin Kawasaki

In December of 2013, Jewel Boys had the misfortune of breaking her hip while helping her husband put up Christmas lights. After calling 911, she was transported to Elma for an x-ray where it was determined that she had, in fact, broken her hip at the left ball joint.

Upon the diagnosis, it was immediately decided that Jewel should be sent to Grays Harbor Community Hospital for surgery. Dr. Erin Kawasaki, DO performed her surgery at the Hospital within the next day. “The operation was a complete success, and they kept my husband informed every step of the way,” explained Jewel.

Grays Harbor Community Hospital’s Orthopedic Surgeons are a part of the outstanding surgery department that performed nearly 5,000 surgeries in 2013. Dr. Kawasaki is one of the three Orthopedic Surgeons who regularly perform surgeries of the musculoskeletal system, repairing broken or fractured hips, knees, hands and more.

“The reason that Grays Harbor Community Hospital is so successful is because of the melding of the technical skills of our world class physicians and medical staff and the continuum of quality care close to home,” said David Quigg, Public Relations Director for Grays Harbor Community Hospital.

Jewel’s recovery time was quick.  She was walking the morning following her surgery, with the aid of a walker. Just a month later, she was able to walk on her own with help from her physical therapist at Elma Rehab Visions.

The fast response made by all of those involved help to provide Jewel with a great overall experience and a successful recovery. “They made a big difference in the quality and I would recommend every one of them to anyone who needs the services of competent and caring people,” she concluded.


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